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AMICO Data Specification

The AMICO Data Specification is comprised of:

A. Text Record Specification
B. Related Image and Multimedia File Specification
C. AMICO Data Dictionary
Sample Records


Each work of art in The AMICO Library is documented by:

  1. A Catalog Record (with at least all core fields)
  2. Associated Multimedia files (at least one image file meeting the Image Specification, and any other number of other related media files)
  3. A Metadata Record (with at least all core fields) for each Associated Multimedia file.

The relationship between these parts is shown in the following diagram.

  Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)
Documentation of a Work in The AMICO Library

1. Catalog Record

Copyright Art Museum Image Consortium and The Art Institute of Chicago
2. Associated Digital Files
3. Metadata records for each file
Each work in The AMICO Library is documented by a catalog record, an image file, and an image metadata record. Additional media files may also be present. Each of these has a metadata record.


In June of 2005, the members of the Art Museum Image Consortium voted to dissolve their collaboration. This site remains online for archival reasons.