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Rights and Reproductions
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

If you are interested in reproducing artwork from the collections of SFMOMA and you would like to request images and/or permission, please complete the following required information and submit this form to the address below. For all related questions, inquiries, and correspondence, please contact:

David Sturtevant
Head of Collections Information and Access
151 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Please note that many works in the SFMOMA collections are protected by copyright. We may not always be able to grant the permission being requested; however, we may be able to help route your request to the appropriate contact.

Required information

  • Contact information (name, address, fax, and email)
  • Object information (accession number, artist, and title)
  • Format requested

  Transparency     BW print     Slide     Digital (tiff)     Digital (jpeg)

Output specifications (if available):

  72 dpi     300 dpi   other: __________

Output size (if available):

H: ____ pixels by W: ____ pixels

Project details:

Type of publication (e.g. book, calendar, CD-ROM, etc.): ____________________

Publisher: _________________________________

Title:: __________________________ Author: : _________________________

Rights Requested (e.g. worldwide, English): : __________________________

Print run: : __________________  Publication date: : ___________________

Signature: __________________  Date: __________________  


In June of 2005, the members of the Art Museum Image Consortium voted to dissolve their collaboration. This site remains online for archival reasons.